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- === The Town and Wilderness ===
- After you have created your character, you will begin your Zangband
- adventure in the town. Symbols appearing on your screen will represent
- the walls, floor, objects, features, and creatures lurking about. In
- order to direct your character through his adventure, you will enter
- single character commands (see command.txt [1]).
- ***** <MapSymbols>
- === Town and Wilderness Symbols ===
- Symbols on your map can be broken down into three categories: terrain
- features such as walls, floor and doors, and trees, water and lava;
- objects which can be picked up such as treasure, weapons, magical
- devices, etc; and creatures which may or may not move about, but are
- mostly harmful to your character's well being. Symbols specific to the
- town and wilderness are shown below. Note that many creatures and
- objects from the dungeon may also appear in town and you should also
- review the comprehensive listing of all the various symbols which can
- be found in the dungeon section (see dungeon.txt#MapSymbols [2]).
- Terrains
- -------
- % Trees and shrubs
- ~ Water/Lava terrains
- : Rubble/Stone terrains
- ; Grasses and swamps
- . Floor terrains (road, dirt, sand, mud, etc)
- ^ Mountains
- > Dungeon entrance
- # Town walls
- + Town gates
- [0-9] Shops and buildings
- Note that some of these terrains may also appear in the dungeon.
- ***** <TownLevel>
- === The Town Level ===
- The town level is where you will begin your adventure. The first time
- you are in town it will be daytime (unless you are playing an undead
- race who start at night), but note that the sun rises and falls as time
- passes and if you enter the town at night, the town will be dark.
- Fortunately, the various shops and the other special buildings are open
- on a 24-hour basis.
- Later versions of Zangband have introduced a dramatically extended town
- level to the game. In addition to the basic town and the standard nine
- shops, new buildings and multiple towns separated by a wilderness were
- added.
- While most people welcome these new additions, they are not for
- everyone and consequently, there are two possible town options in
- Zangband - the 'Standard' town(s) and the 'Vanilla' town. The default
- is the standard town. The vanilla town option can be selected during
- character generation. (see option.txt#StartUp [3])
- Your choice of town is fixed for the duration of your character's
- life and will be the new default for future characters created with
- that savefile. This of course may be changed during the creation of
- your next character.
- ***** <StandardTown>
- --- The 'Standard' Town ---
- The 'standard' town consists of a large world which contains themed
- wilderness terrain (mountainous areas, oceans, plains, etc). There are
- several towns located in various parts of the world. The wilderness is
- not uninhabited and can be dangerous indeed for the unwary. As a
- general rule, the further your character gets from civilization the
- more cautious he or she should be. Your character will start in a
- relatively harmless area of the wilderness.
- Towns vary in size and will contain a differing selection of shops.
- The starting town will contain an entrance to the dungeon and a
- Dungeon Supplies store which carries all the basic items you need to
- get through the first few levels of the game. As your character gains
- levels, you will need to journey into the wilderness seeking other
- towns and cities to purchase and sell higher-level objects.
- Zangband contains more than 100 different kinds of shops each with
- different themes. Specialist stores may stock powerful items but
- usually at steep premiums. Note that some shops offer services, rather
- than products. You should also note that the largere towns, do not
- contain entrances to the dungeon. You must be within a certain
- proximity to a dungeon entrance for spells and scrolls which teleport
- you to the dungeon to work.
- ***** <VanillaTown>
- --- The 'Vanilla' Town ---
- The vanilla town consists of nine shops (including a home) and an
- impenetrable wall which surrounds the town. There are no other
- embellishments. The nine shops available are similar to those in
- standard Angband (withth addition of a book store) and are designed to
- be sufficient for an entire game of Zangband.
- ***** <Townspeople>
- === Townspeople ===
- The town contains many different kinds of people. There are the street
- urchins, young children who will mob an adventurer for money, and seem
- to come out of the woodwork when excited. Blubbering idiots are a
- constant annoyance, but not harmful. Public drunks wander about the
- town singing, and are of no threat to anyone. Sneaky rogues who work
- for the black market are always greedily eyeing your backpack for
- potential new 'purchases'. . . And finally, what town would be complete
- without a swarm of half drunk warriors, who take offense or become
- annoyed just for the fun of it.
- Most of the townspeople should be avoided by the largest possible
- distance when you wander from store to store. Fights will break out,
- though, so be prepared. Since your character grew up in this world of
- intrigue, no experience is awarded for killing the town inhabitants,
- though you may acquire treasure.
- One word of warning however, occasionally a creature who normally
- would inhabit only the wilderness and dungeons may wander into the
- town. These should generally be handled with much more caution
- than the ordinary townspeople.
- ***** <Shopping>
- === Shopping in Town ===
- Your character will begin his adventure with some basic supplies, and
- some extra gold with which to purchase more supplies at the town
- stores. You may enter any open store and barter with the owner for
- items you can afford by simply moving onto the entrance, which is
- represented by a number from 0 to 9.
- Once inside a store, you will see the name and race of the store owner,
- the name of the store, the maximum amount of cash that the store owner
- will pay for any one item, and the store inventory, listed along with
- tentative prices, which will become "fixed" (at the "final offer")
- should you ever manage to haggle a store owner down to his final offer
- (see below [4]).
- You will also see an (incomplete) list of available commands. Note that
- many of the commands which work in the dungeon work in the stores as
- well, but some do not, especially those which involve "using" objects.
- Stores do not always have everything in stock. As the game progresses,
- they may get new items so check from time to time. Also, if you sell
- them an item, it may get sold to a customer while you are adventuring,
- so don't always expect to be able to get back everything you have sold.
- Note that the inventory of a store will not change while you are in
- town, even if you save the game and return. You must spend time in the
- dungeon if you wish the store owner to clear out his stock and acquire
- new items. If you have a lot of spare gold, you can purchase every item
- in a store, which will induce the store owner to bring out new stock,
- and perhaps even retire.
- Store owners will not buy harmful or useless items. If an object is
- unidentified, they will pay you some base price for it. Once they have
- bought it they will immediately identify the object. If it is a good
- object, they will add it to their inventory. If it was a bad bargain,
- they simply throw the item away. In any case, you may receive some
- knowledge of the item if another is encountered.
- Note that in Zangband, store owners will buy more items than they sell.
- Consequently, it is possible to sell an item to a shopkeeper and not
- to have it appear in the store's inventory of things to sell. If you
- plan to buy somehting back at a later date, make sure you sell the item
- in a store that stocks such items.
- ***** <Bartering>
- --- Bartering ---
- When bartering, you enter prices you will pay (or accept) for some
- object. You can either enter the absolute amount, or precede a number
- with a plus or minus sign to give a positive or negative increment on
- your previous offer. But be warned that the owners can easily be
- insulted, and may even throw you out for a while if you insult them too
- often.
- If you consistently bargain well in a store, that is, you reach the
- final offer much more often than not, then the store owner will
- eventually recognize that you are a superb haggler, and will go
- directly to the final offer instead of haggling with you. Items which
- cost less than 10 gold pieces do not count, as haggling well with these
- items is usually either very easy or almost impossible. The more
- expensive the item is, the less likely the store owner is to assume
- that you are a good haggler.
- Note that you may disable haggling with a software option, though this
- will inflict a 10% "sales tax" on all purchases for which the store
- owner would have required you to haggle. (See option.txt for details).
- ***** <ObjectPricing>
- ---- Object Pricing ---
- Each store owner has three primary attributes: the maximum amount they
- will pay for an object, their race and how greedy they are. Each of
- these affects how much a store owner will charge for an object and how
- much they are prepared to pay for something. Only the first two
- attributes can be known by the player. The final factors affecting
- pricing are the race and charisma of the player.
- Each object has a base value which is contained in the game's source
- code. This value is modified based on the store owner's greed (greedy
- store owners charge more and will pay less), your charisma (charismatic
- players pay less and can charge more) and whether or not the shopkeeper
- is friendly to your race (dwarves dislike elves so a dwarf shopkeeper
- will charge an elf player more and pay less for items the player is
- selling).
- Finally, when selling objects, the cap on the store owner's purse is
- applied so that even a favored race with a high charisma can not sell
- an item for more than that amount. This cap applies only to single
- items so it is possible to sell a stack of similar items for more than
- the cap on the store owner's purse.
- ***** <TheShops>
- === List of Shops ===
- Junk Stores ("0")
- Junk stores stock, lets face it, junk. But you may occasionally
- find smoething of use within them.
- General Suplies Stores ("1")
- General stores typically stock basic necessities for entering the
- dungeon such as food, drink, some clothing, torches, lamps, oil,
- shovels, picks, and spikes. Some general stores (notably the
- "Dungeon Supplies" store) may also sell basic magical items.
- Armour Stores ("2")
- Armour stores are where the town's armor is fashioned. All sorts
- of protective gear may be bought and sold here.
- Weapons Stores ("3")
- Weapons stores are where the town's weapons are fashioned.
- Hand and missile weapons may be purchased and sold here, along
- with arrows, bolts, and shots.
- Alchemy Stores ("5")
- Alchemy Stores deal in all types of potions and scrolls and
- magical books.
- Magic User's Stores ("6")
- Magic User's Stores deal in all sorts of rings, wands, amulets,
- and staves, as well as some magic books.
- Your Home ("8")
- This is your house where you can store objects that you cannot
- carry on your travels, or will need at a later date.
- Special Buildings ("7" and "9")
- Special buildings provide services at a price.
- --
- Original : (??)
- Updated : (??)
- Updated : Zangband DevTeam
- Last update: May 25, 2001
- ***** Begin Hyperlinks
- ***** [1] command.txt
- ***** [2] dungeon.txt#MapSymbols
- ***** [3] option.txt#StartUp
- ***** [4] town.txt#Bartering